Sunday 11 September 2011

Celeb spotting: Prom

Prom, Matric Dance - it's all the same thing. And everyone goes to their Prom, right? Yip, even world famous celebrities like these!

The ever cute Dakota Fanning.
LOVE the little pink dress !

Fergilicious? Almost didn't recognize her!

Not quite the meat dress or the egg -
 but even at a young age Lady Gagga pushed
the norm!The sunnies are so celeb!
(BTW - she looks beautiful here.
Makes me think she needs to cover
 less of herself and show as the true lady!)

Miss Spears! Not sure of this was before
 "Hit me Baby one more time",
 but she looks like a really sweet Southern
girl here!

It's difficult to make out the dress
in this pic, but I love Miley's unfussy hair.

Can this girl do anything from in the
style department? Not sure about wearing
white to the Prom, but Taylor Swift's
ple yet elegant look is a winner!

How can I do a post about celebrity
 prom photo's and not share this one?
Don't know who this lucky lady is,
but I can imagine her still going around
 telling people "I went to the Prom with Brad Pitt."

Have you had your Matric Dance yet? I'd love to see some of your favourite photo's! Send to talktoava (at) and I could be sharing your pics here on the blog.

Hope everyone has had a super weekend!

love Ava

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